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Welcome to Collectrix

We are Collectrix, a one-stop collection services company, specializing in collecting almost any kind of financial debt owed to an individual or a small to mid-sized business.  We guide you through the entire debt collecting process, whether there is a Judgment currently or not.  We have developed many creative, legal methods for getting your money for you in a timely manner.  We take the angst, anger, personal involvement, stress, fear, and frustration out of the process for you, using an ever increasing network of attorneys, databases, process servers, and debt collection professionals, among others, to help you through the entire process of collecting your debt.

If you are reading this page, it is assumed that someone owes you money and you want it back.  Our track record is exemplary, so, please ask about our success with your specific situation.  We will walk you through the entire process of collecting your debt, from “A” to “Z” From “They borrowed money and now won’t pay me back”to “I’ve got this Judgment and what would be the best way to collect?”

NOTE:  IF you are tired of trying to collect your debt on your own and would like to receive some cash quickly, we may be interested in buying your debt, paying you immediately, and then going after the entity on our own.

Individuals have lent money, rented property, made a loan, and/or have been involved in a dispute in which the money due to them has not been paid.  Whether your claim or proof that money is owed to you comes from the Labor Board, or it was a down payment, Promissory Note, or simple verbal agreement, it does not matter.  What does matter is that money is owed to you and you want to get paid.  This is where our services come in.  We have the time, resources, knowledge and information needed to  pursue getting you the money that is rightfully yours!  Additionally, you will be able to check the status of your action throughout the entire process.

Debt Collections

Debt Collections consist of people or companies that owe money to others.  Whether it be an unpaid invoice, or the repayment of borrowed money, an invalid payment (such as Non Sufficient Funds check), or even damage to property of any kind.  You believe someone owes you money and you think they should pay.  The other person, the “Debtor”, may or may not agree with you, but for some reason he or she has not paid.  What can be done?  We make collection calls, provide legalistic letters, and have the default reported on their credit report, among various other methods.

Judgment Enforcement

You have been to court and the Judge ruled in your favor.  You have asked the Debtor to pay you and they might have said “I don’t care what the judge says, you ain’t getting a dime out of me.”  In most cases, these Debtors simply disappear and you never hear from them again.  The collection process could include: Bank Levies, Wage Garnishments, Asset Levies, Order of Examinations, Skip Tracing.  There are many ways to legally “take” the money owed to you, and there are legal methods we use to encourage someone to pay.  Most of these collection processes involve the Courts, Sheriffs and Process Servers which we will handle for you.
Additionally, we can turn your outstanding debt into a formal Judgment, enforce that Judgment, finally getting you paid from the Debtor’s assets.  This type of action separates us from other collection agencies and judgment enforcement companies, because we understand the entire process from both sides and can connect the two.

How Do I Get Started?

Collecting on a Judgment

It is a relatively simple process to get started.  We must have a copy of your judgment, which is your legal right to collect the money owed to you by using the Court system.  The courts are very particular about paperwork, and there are other state and federal laws we must follow.  If your Judgment is in Alameda County, all we need is your Case number.  If your Judgment is out of Alameda County, you may send a copy of your Judgment to us via e-mail, fax, or regular mail.  If you cannot find your Judgment, we will do the research and find it for you, for a small fee.  We need basic information to help us get started and to determine the best course of action for your particular situation. Click Here for a Quick Questionnaire.

You (“Creditor”) will assign the Judgment to Collectrix and we will do the rest.  We conduct assets searches, carry out court filings, make court appearances, attach wage garnishments, make bank levies, and anything we need to do to convince your Debtor to pay you.  We pay all expenses involved in the enforcement of the judgment and pay you a simple percentage of the money we collect.  If we are unable to collect anything, you owe us nothing.  Truly, this is a win-win situation, with nothing to lose for you.

Collecting on a Debt

To collect your money owed, we need basic information from you:  A copy of the document proving why the money is owed, whether that proof is a (Non Sufficient Funds) “NSF”; check, an invoice, or a signed sheet of paper.  If your agreement was completely verbal, we may be able to help you.  [We have collected on verbal agreements before, yet it can be difficult and problematic.]  You may send us a copy of your proof via e-mail, fax, or regular mail.  Next, please fill out a Quick Questionnaire. The collections costs can be:  a percentage, a pay-per-action, or a combination of the two.  We will call you and discuss your options with you, so you can decide the best remedy for you.

Once we have verified the debt and have an Agreement in place, we will send letters and make calls to your Debtor.  We will, if you wish, have a person drop by your Debtor’s address and ask them to pay.  Additionally, we may notify the credit bureaus resulting in a negative/derogatory item(s) being placed on your Debtor’s credit report.  If all of these efforts do not result in your recovering your money, then you may wish to pursue legal action.  At that point, we will be able guide you in the proper direction to retain an Attorney.